It’s Oh, So Quiet…!

Apart from taking vacations and the odd day-trip with the family, I use the school summer holidays to do what I like!

Lately I have been working out my ‘queuing’ system for knitting projects. My Ravelry queue contains patterns from designers whom I admire and would like to knit some day.

My other queue is currently on my projects gallery page. These projects appear as WIPs (work in progress), but mostly haven’t been started yet because the idea is either not quite ‘firm enough’ in my mind, or it is primed and ready to go (once I finish the current project). In all cases, I am likely to jump this queue if a design idea hits me and I am rearing to go! And this happens often.

Luckily for me, I don’t get Cast-on-itis. I’m too much of a control freak to want to start a new project when I haven’t concluded the last one. It does frustrate me, though. I am SO keen to cast on with a new design idea, or existing pattern, that I feel like I am knitting too slowly! Come on woman, work FASTER!!

But sadly, I’ve got knock these babies down first…:

Jimiknits sock
Playing around with a toe-up sock design. I’m using yarn from a frogged project: Old Maiden Aunt Merino 4ply in “Gothic”.
Pebble Beach Shawl
Pattern: Pebble Beach by Helen Stewart. I’m using 3 colours of Alpaca Supreme by John Arbon Textiles. I am extending the pattern by repeating certain blocks. It will end up quite large. The tedium is setting in…!